Nach Solis was born in Avila in 1989. He was graduated in Medicine in 2013. While he was studying, moved by his passion for cinema he opens a blog where he writes reviews, and soon becomes the website "La Industria del Cine", which has more than 12,000 followers in all its networks, reaching more than 10,000 visits per day with his reviews, chronicles of festivals and with the articles "Camino a los Goya" that he makes every year. In them he makes rankings and predictions.
After finishing his degree, he takes the MIR exam in 2014 and obtains a place in Radiation Oncology. During this time, he combines his work as a medical doctor with his work on the website, where he also promotes Spanish films in their premiere in cinemas and promotional campaigns for the Goya Awards such as "Cerca de tu casa" for Loris Omedes, "Nacido en Siria" for La Claqueta P.C. or "Omega" for Sacromonte Films.
The work writing hundreds and hundreds of pages in "La Industria del Cine" is the breeding ground for what he really wanted to do, writing films. That is why he applied for a scholarshipt to study film. That is the big turning point in his work and personal life. Thanks to the scholarship, she starts the “Film and Television Screenwriting Degree" at the Instituto del Cine Madrid. With effort, discipline and, above all, a lot of organization, she combines his work with his studies, which he finishes in June 2017. By then he has already written his first feature film script "La soledad de los buenos amigos", which gets a 7.5/10 mark at the Filmarkethub Script Market. It highlights the main characters and visual elements stand out in a "very good" way. In addition, he develops the tv-series "Corderos", which was chosen as the best final project, being the first series produced and shot by the Film Institute and broadcast on Youtube.
After his studies, he cannot just write reviews of other people's films, that is why he decides to go for the scriptwriting profession. The difficulty of being a newcomer and a novelist in the profession does not prevent him from raising his own projects. The short film "La vida que nos robaron" where he works as a screenwriter, publicist and distributor is selected in more than 15 international festivals. The award at Festival Avilacine stands out, as well as the nomination for the Jury Prize for Best Short Film at the FIBABC (Ibero-American Short Film Festival) where it was also the third most viewed with more than 13,000 views.
Due to his restless spirit, he decided to carry out several projects both short films, series and documentaries. He continues to develop the series project "Corderos. Dejadlos que ven a mí", he is the director of the pilot which has the participation of actors such as Simón Andreu, Carlo D'Ursi, Chiqui Fernández (Fotogramas de Plata Award to the Best Actress for "Mujeres"), it also has the interest of the composer nominated to the Goya, Pablo Cervantes. The pilot is currently in post-production. In addition, he is beginning to develop another tv-project "A la deriva" in which he is also the director of the pilot teaser.
He works as a scriptwriter, producer, editor and distributor of "Caravan: Love Moves On" with José Antonio Navarro, one of the mythical cops from "Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown" and Adelaida Polo (Netflix’s “Plastic see"). The short film has participated in the "Short Film Corner" of the Cannes Film Festival 2019. Its premiere in Spain was going to be at the "Festival de Cine y Televisión Reino de León" last May, but it was postponed due to the world pandemic Covid-19. In the short film "Yo paro" he works as a scriptwriter, producer and editor again. The short film is finalist in the "Notofilm Fest" Festival and receives almost 4,000 views. He is currently researching and developing the documentary "Pernales: el último bandolero" (Pernales: the last bandit), which follows the trail of the descendants of the Guardia Civil who captured "Robin Hood de la Mancha".
In addition to his previous works, he writes very personal projects, highlighting his second feature film "Y que le guste la pesca" (Must love fishing). For a year, he works on the script under the mentorship of scriptwriter Nicolás Saad ("El apóstata": Official Selection San Sebastián Festival; "Silencio en la nieve": nominated for Best Adapted Script at the CEC Medals), among others. This work "Y que le gusta la pesca", has brought him many joys in recent months. He has been selected at the first talent campus "VLC Pitch Forum" in November 2019 where he presents it to the film industry.
“Y que le guste la pesca” has been also selected in Filmarkethub's “Excellent Scripts Market" obtaining a score of 8.5/10 in script and 9/10 in writing style. In the Script Analysis they highlight that "the scriptwriter proves that he knows the trade and he masters the language of film" and "the characters have great strength and are very well constructed [...] it makes them three-dimensional and interesting for the viewer". Thanks to this selection, several production companies are interested in reading it, such as The Immigrant ("El chapo" series), Bastian Films ("Timecode", nominated for an Oscar), Potenza Producciones ("Jefe"), among others. Later on, he is selected to participate in the International Workshop "Plume&Pellicule" of Dreamago in Switzerland. The script captures the interest of Emilio Gutiérrez Caba, who after reading it communicates his high interest in starring in "Y que le guste la pesca".
His next short film projects are "Papá está de viaje" and "¿Quedamos par un café? Both scripts are participating in several screenwriting contests and are finalists in the "V Concurso Internacional de Guiones de Cortometraje Abcguionistas". "Dad's on a Trip" continues a long journey and is a finalist in the "International Short Film Script Contest" of Scriptwriters and Screenwriters. It also participates in the "SHORT/FILM CONTEST", where the project is tutored by Pilar García Elegido. Recently, he has won the scriptwriting competition of the Skyline Film Festival (Benidorm). "Dad is on a trip" is going to be shot next winter under the production of “Astronaut productions”. Ivana Baquero (Pan’s Labyrinth) has show her interest.
In parallel to his experience as a screenwriter, he continues to train and in 2020 he finishes the Master's Degree in "Film Production and Direction" at the "European School of Arts", he is studying for his own title of "Specialist in Photography Direction" at Campus Training, as well as the "Film Direction Course" given by Ernesto Martín. Nach Solís is also a member of ACCIÓN (Association of Film Directors), the ALMA scriptwriters' union, a partner and member of EGEDA, as well as the Association of Film Informers of Spain (AICE).