
Maria Blicharska



Polish-French producer specialized in international co-productions. Co-founder of Donten & Lacroix Films, in Warsaw, Poland 2006 andf Blick Productions in Paris in 2015 and with the aim of providing international film services and co-produce films of high value for international audience. Graduated in Cultural Management, Literature, European School of Business in Strasbourg and Film School in Poland, Germany and France, Maria starts working in the film industry in 2002 as line producer for independent European and US producers and participates in more than 35 projects (feature films, documentaries and animations) awarded at international film festivals. After completing the french-german Atelier at La Femis in 2005, Maria settles in Paris. Between 2006 and 2008, she notably works alongside Margaret Menegoz (Films du Losange) on international coproductions of such directors as A. Wajda, M. Haneke and A. Riahi. Member of European Networks : ACE Producers, EAVE, Eurodoc. selected Producers on the Move Cannes 2017. Member of the EFA and of international festivals’ juries.

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