OPEN CALLS: Green Film Lab - Budapest, TFL Co-Production Fund & TFL Next - Feature Film
Green Film Lab
Open Call
Green Film Lab promotes environmentally sustainable practices in film production and gives film professionals a new perspective on how to apply a green protocol and achieve certification.
The aim of Green Film Lab is to create awareness about sustainability in the film industry starting from scratch.
Green Film Lab promotes environmentally sustainable practices in film production and gives film professionals a new perspective on how to apply a green protocol and achieve certification. The programme is addressed to film professionals with or without a project, professionals working in sustainability and delegates from film institutions.
Throughout the year, Green Film Lab proposes a number of 3-day residential workshops held in different European regions, delivered to film industry professionals with or without a project, as well as to professionals working in sustainability.
Each 3-day workshop kicks off with a general introduction to sustainability in the film industry, after which participants are divided into groups, working on applying the best green practices to their project. Through a practical, project-based and hands-on approach, participants will work in teams, discussing how to apply the current best practices in terms of energy-saving, transport, accommodation, catering, set decoration, waste management, recycling and communication. They will also be asked to consider social aspects, such as the impact on communities. In addition, they will network with other regional and European professionals who share their interest in sustainability.
Throughout the workshop, each team will work and practice simulating the development of a sustainability plan to achieve green certification. The training course will be enriched by case studies and plenary sessions dedicated to different aspects of sustainability.
The contents are based on the Green Film Rating System and on its two main features: the sustainability plan and the certification process for audiovisual projects.
Unfortunately no, BUT it’s indeed a good start! The purpose of Green Film Lab is to create awareness on sustainability in making movies (film, doc and TV series) and give you some insight into best green practices on set.
Since you will not be certified as a sustainability manager on completion of this workshop you will not, but you will receive a certification of participation worth framing.
We would love to, but our 3-day schedule is quite busy as it is and there’s no room for a whole training on carbon footprint calculation. Who knows, maybe in the future!
Feature films, documentaries and TV series are more than welcome!
Projects applying can be at every phase - from a early development to the production stage (at least 2 months before shooting).
In 2022:
APRIL: Green Film Lab - Trento (Italy)
In collaboration with Green Film and Trentino Film Commission
JULY: Green Film Lab - Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
In collaboration with Mallorca Film Commission, Fundació Mallorca Turisme and Consell Insular de Mallorca
OCTOBER: Green Film Lab - Sitges (Spain)
In collaboration with Government of Catalonia, Catalan Institute for Cultural Companies, Catalunya Film Commission and Servei de Desenvolupament Empresarial
DECEMBER: Green Film Lab Reykjavík (Iceland)
In collaboration with Icelandic Film Centre, Film in Iceland, Inspired by Iceland and Business Iceland
In 2023:
MARCH: Green Film Lab - Dublin (Ireland)
In collaboration with Screen Ireland
JUNE: Green Film Lab - Warsaw (Poland)
In collaboration with Polish Film Institute
OCTOBER: Green Film Lab at MIA Market - Rome (Italy)
In collaboration with MIA Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo
In 2024:
MARCH: Green Film Lab - Athens (Greece)
In collaboration with Greek Film Centre/Hellenic Film Commission
SEPTEMBER: Green Film Lab - Glasgow (UK)
In collaboration with Screen Scotland / Sgrìn and BECTU Vision
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