TFL Films & Series


An ultra-orthodox scholar is revived after dying for 40 minutes. After coming back to life, he suddenly feels a strange awakening in his body and suspects that God is testing him.

ScriptLab 2011
Main info

Title: Tikkun
Year: 2015
Directed by: Avishai Sivan
Premiere & awards: Locarno Film Festival 2015, Competition, Silver Leopard Special Jury Award
Produced by: Plan B Productions Ltd. - Israel The Mouth Agape Production - Israel United King Films - Israel
Country: Israel


God’s plan for Haim-Aaron seems to end with the ascetically devout Yeshiva student dead in the shower, killed by a slip that results in a brutal blow to the head. But his father, seeing his son’s naked corpse stretched out in the family’s living room, refuses to give up when the EMTs do, and he continues performing CPR until his son — dead for 40 minutes — somehow sputters back to life. Haim-Aaron finds himself reborn and seeing the world — once an austere prison of devotion and books and head-rocking prayer — through new eyes. Almost literally, as he discovers he no longer needs his glasses. He also finds his faith shaken, his family alien and his stifled sexual desires raging. Unable to sleep Haim-Aaron begins hitchhiking from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, where he slowly dares himself to experience the sensual and carnal pleasures of the world.

TFL Project:

Title: Tikkun

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TFL Catalogue 2011

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