TFL Films & Series

The Dog Show

An old man does dog trick shows to earn enough money and get back his son from his rebellious wife.

ScriptLab 2012
Main info

Title: The Dog Show
Year: 2015
Directed by: Ralston Jover
Premiere & awards: Montréal World Film Festival 2015, World Cinema
Produced by: san cinema - Germany Queen B Production - Philippines
In co-production with: Lyon Asiexpo, Ltd. - France, CMB Film Services - Philippines,
Countries: Germany, Philippines


Sergio, now an elderly man, maintains his family thanks to a show in the streets of Manila performed by his two skilful and beloved dogs, Habagat and Bagwis. His wife left him taking away their youngest son but Sergio cannot accept this and wants to get the child back at all costs. The film is set in a decrepit cemetery in the capital, a real place and at the same time a stage for poverty and dreaming.

TFL Project:

Title: The Dog Show

Discover more details here:
TFL Catalogue 2012

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