TFL Films & Series


A group of young people wanders through a forest, playing word games, searching for a symbiosis with nature.

FeatureLab 2010
Main info

Title: Leones
Year: 2012
Directed by: Jazmín López
Premiere & awards: Venice Film Festival 2012, Orizzonti, Bisato d'Oro (Best Director)
Produced by: Rei Cine - Argentina
In co-production with: Petit Film - France, Lemming Film - Netherlands, Viking Film - Netherlands, Cepa Audiovisual - Argentina
Countries: Argentina, France, Netherlands


Deep in the forest a group of five friends wander around like a lion herd. Lost in their word games, they play and seduce each other while going back and forth into adulthood territory, in a desperate search to avoid their already written story.

TFL Project:

Title: Leones

TFL Awards: TFL Production Award (€ 110,000)

Discover more details here:
TFL Catalogue 2010

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