TFL Films & Series

Agnus Dei

In 1945 Poland, a young French Red Cross doctor who is sent to assist the survivors of the German camps discovers several nuns in advanced states of pregnancy.

ScriptLab 2012
Main info

Title: Agnus Dei
Year: 2016
Directed by: Anne Fontaine
Premiere & awards: Sundance Film Festival 2016, Premieres
Produced by: Mandarin Cinéma - France
In co-production with: Aeroplan Film - Poland
Countries: France, Poland


Poland, winter of 1945. Mathilde Beaulieu is a young intern working with a branch of the French Red Cross. They are on a mission to find, treat and repatriate French survivors of the German camps. One day, a Polish nun arrives in the hospital. In very poor French, she begs Mathilde to come to her convent. Mathilde life and beliefs change when she discovers the advanced state of pregnancy that affect several of the Sisters of the convent just outside the hospital where she performs.

TFL Project:

Title: In The Name Of The Mother

Discover more details here:
TFL Catalogue 2012

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