OPEN CALLS: Green Film Lab - Budapest, TFL Co-Production Fund & TFL Next - Feature Film
TFL Films & Series
When the flesh of your flesh is rotten, will you go to any extend to protect your own or will you cut them lose? Jesús is a story of the ultimate betrayal.
Main info
Title: Jesús
Year: 2016
Directed by: Fernando Guzzoni
Premiere & awards: San Sebastián International Film Festival 2016, Official Selection
Produced by: JBA Productions - France
Rampante Films - Chile
In co-production with: unafilm - Germany, Graal Films - Greece, Burning Blue - Colombia
Countries: France, Chile, Germany, Colombia, Greece
Santiago, Chile. Jesús, 18, lives alone with his father Héctor in a flat where the TV covers up their inability to communicate. The rest of the time, he dances in a K-pop band, hangs out with friends and does drugs, watches trashy clips and has sex in public places, looking for a thrill. One night, he finds it with his friends, being involved in an irreversible misadventure. If this event will make Jesús and Héctor closer than ever, it will also tear them apart forever.
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