TFL Films & Series

The Night Eats the World

Sam discovers that everyone has become zombies in one night. He organizes his survival. But is he really the sole survivor?

FeatureLab 2015
Main info

Title: The Night Eats the World
Year: 2018
Directed by: Dominique Rocher
Premiere & awards: Festival Premiers Plans d'Angers 2018, Competition
Produced by: Haut et Court – France
Country: France


After waking up in an apartment where only the night before a party was raging, Sam is forced to come to grips with reality: he is now alone and the living dead have invaded the streets of Paris. Petrified with fear, Sam is going to have to barricade himself inside the building and organize his survival. But is he really the sole survivor?

TFL Project:

Title: The Night Eats the World

Discover more details here:
TFL Catalogue 2015

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