TFL Films & Series

Dead & Beautiful

A group of young, privileged urbanites awaken after a night out, to find they have developed vampire fangs and an unquenchable thirst for flesh, blood and adventure at any price.

ScriptLab 2012
Main info

Title: Dead & Beautiful
Year: 2021
Directed by: David Verbeek
Premiere & awards: International Film Festival Rotterdam 2021, Limelight
Produced by: Lemming Film – Netherlans
In co-production with: House on Fire International – Taiwan, Nukleus Film – Croatia, Woods of Light – China
Countries: Netherlands, Taiwan


In a futuristic Asian metropolis, a group of wealthy youngsters feel like gods. For Lulu and her friends, the world is at their feet. Young, beautiful and extremely rich, they can do anything, but something gnaws at them… In search of excitement and a challenge, the five friends take turns; each of them designs a unique, extravagant experience for the others. When Lulu's best friend Anastasia takes them to the jungle for a shamanistic ritual, things go wrong. They wake up with long pointed fangs. They flee back to the city in a total panic. But it is not before long that they start to see this metamorphosis as an opportunity. Avoiding the sun, they each follow their own fascinations and desires in the metropolis’ nightlife. They soon lose control of things. Nothing is what it seems anymore.

TFL Project:

Title: Dead & Beautiful

Discover more details here:
TFL Catalogue 2012

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