TFL Co-Production Fund

TFL Co-Production Fund 2023

Call for applications closed!

Production grant of € 50,000 to feature film projects realised in co-production between European and international partners.


Applicant must be a European producer of a company established in one of the countries participating in the MEDIA strand (*) and owned by nationals from such countries.


Project must have the following characteristics:

- it must be a feature film (fiction, animation or creative documentary) of a minimum length of 60 minutes.

- it must involve at least one producer established in one of the countries participating in the MEDIA strand - the co-producer(s) coming from countries participating in the MEDIA strand must have a share of minimum 20% and maximum 70% in the project - and at least a co-producer from a country that is not participating in the MEDIA strand. The co-production shall be attested by a signed co-production agreement (a deal memo may exceptionally be accepted).

- it must be in advanced development stage and must be scheduled to complete production by June 2025.

TFL Co-production Fund can be matched with funding from other funding bodies except further
production funding from Creative Europe MEDIA
 (E.g. Hubert Bals Fund + Europe, World Cinema Fund Europe, IDFA Bertha Fund Europe etc.).

Please check ANNEX for all details on the requirements.


The requested mandatory materials - to be submitted all together in one PDF of max 10MB, and all in English – are:

1) Detailed synopsis

2) Intention note – 2 pages max.

3) Audio-visual references and Artistic Concept

4) Web links to previous film(s) of the director

5) Biographies of writer, director & producer

6) Production company profile and co-producers’ profile – 4 pages max. in total

7) Cover letter to demonstrate the producer’s track record of international co-productions and/or explain the plan to address her/his career in this direction – 2 pages max.

8) Detailed production budget in Euros

9) Financing plan – including structure of co-production (names & countries of companies/film fund, percentages of financing from each country, status of each funding to apply/applied/confirmed/ etc) according to FORM A.

10) Detailed development and production timetable (please specify Month and Year for each activity, specify shooting period)

11) Copy of co-production agreement or deal memo detailing the percentage of each co-producer, the revenue share between them, the joint ownership of the rights

12) Financial agreements and/or letters of intent from financing partners

13) Marketing & distribution strategy – 2 pages max

14) Script to be attached as the last element of the dossier. For creative documentaries a treatment is accepted.


Online consultancies: September - December 2023
Participation to the TFL Meeting Event 2023: end of November (Torino, Italy)
Completion and reporting period: by June 2025


The grant will be paid in two instalments:

- the first one, two months prior to the start of the shooting upon presentation of a document certifying the exact commencement of work, plus the final financing plan, budget and the copies of the co-production agreements

- the balance payment at the end of the shooting, upon presentation of receipt or invoice copies corresponding to the amount of the award

By no means the funding will be given if the film is not completed within the deadline of June 1st 2025. Should part of the fund already be paid, the entire amount will have to be returned to TorinoFilmLab

Please check the ANNEX for all details on eligible projects, contracts and payments procedures.

For Frequently Asked Questions, please check ANNEX.

* Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Serbia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.

Supported by
  • Eu Creative Europe Media

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