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TFL Next

TFL Next - TV Series 2024

Call for applications closed!

Concept-based online workshop divided into 2 development sessions.


The workshop is concept-based, which means that participants exclusively work on the concept of the TV series project (In this regard concept means the series premise, overall plot, and the specifications of the main characters). In case of projects based on novels, short stories or other literary works, applicants must present a secured option for the work they wish to adapt.

The workshop is divided into 2 development sessions:
a first 5 day-long session, where participants discuss their work in group sessions and one-on-one meetings with their tutors
- then, participants have 3 weeks to rework their materials
- a second 2 day-long session, where participants share and discuss their work again in individual meetings with their mentors and group sessions with other participants.


20 TV Series project at an early development stage presented by international scriptwriters or writers/directors together with a producer (if on board) will be selected and divided into 5 groups.

The participants will work on their concept alongside peers and a tutor with a substantial international experience as a script consultant, implementing the fundamental techniques and skills necessary to develop and produce successful TV Series.

Thanks to the TFL Next's global experience, the participants will have the chance to develop a strong international network: on top of the script sessions and meeting with industry representatives, participants will gather during special online events aimed at exchanging skills and finding productive collaborations.



The online workshop is open to international professional scriptwriters, directors and producers. The application can be submitted individually or in team (maximum 2 participants per team) and must be linked to a TV Series project at early development stage, which will be developed during the workshop.

The working language of all workshops, meetings and events is English; thus, a good knowledge of English is essential to participate.


1,700 Euro (+ VAT, if due) per team of participants (max 2 participants).

Upon selection, participants must send a proof of the payment within the following 2 days, to confirm their seat.
TorinoFilmLab doesn’t foresee any scholarships for this workshop. In many countries, public institutions provide scholarships for this kind of training, and TorinoFilmLab can provide a selection letter to facilitate the request.



1st session: from October 7th to October 11th 2024
2nd session: from November 4th to November 8th 2024


The requested application materials – to be submitted all together in one PDF and all in English – are:

- Project logline (2 lines max, font dimension 14, no specific font is requested) - please note that this logline will be used for communication purpose and to announce the eventual selection of the project in the programme
- Concept presentation (7,500 characters spaces included, font dimension 14, no specific font is requested)
- 3 pages max with: the CV of all project team members, a link (with NO password) to previous work (30’ max), a link (with NO password) to 1’ video presentation (it must include all the project team members; in this video you are asked to present yourself/yourselves and explain why you’re interested in applying to TFL Next)
- Materials informing about the audio-visual approach (still pictures, video mood board, etc. – optional).

Please note that applicants based in the Flemish Region are eligible for a partial scholarship covering 50% of the total fee, thanks to the support of our partner VAF (Flanders Audiovisual Fund). More information will be provided upon selection.


The requested application materials – to be submitted all together in one PDF and all in English – are:

- Project logline (2 lines max, font dimension 14, no specific font is requested) - please note that this logline will be used for communication purpose and to announce the eventual selection of the project in the programme
- Concept presentation (7,500 characters spaces included, font dimension 14, no specific font is requested)
- 3 pages max with: the CV of all project team members, a link (with NO password) to previous work (30’ max), a link (with NO password) to 1’ video presentation (it must include all the project team members; in this video you are asked to present yourself/yourselves and explain why you’re interested in applying to TFL Next)
- Materials informing about the audio-visual approach (still pictures, video mood board, etc. – optional).

Please note that applicants based in the Flemish Region can also have the chance to benefit of a scholarship on the total fee, thanks to the support of our Partner VAF (Flanders Audiovisual Fund). More information will be provided in case of selection.


7th July 2024, 11.59pm CET.


Click on "APPLY NOW!" to access the application form and submit your candidature (before starting the application process, you need to create an account on the TFL platform).
In the application form, candidates will also be asked to fill out a questionnaire about the status of their project.

Applications that don’t respect the above-listed criteria will be rejected!

For more information please contact:


Mathilde Hauducoeur (writer), Tomás Pinzon Lucera (co-writer), Ana Perromat (co-writer)
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Angel I-Han Teng (writer-director), Yu-Hao Su (producer)
Two estranged women, a perfume designer and a lawyer, reconnect after 15  years when one seeks help for her ailing mother, rediscovering their deep  bond through flashbacks of conflict, romance, and shared history, ultimately finding strength and renewal in the power of scent and motherhood.

Bella Rinsky (writer), Alla Turovskaja (co-writer)
The story follows the early days of King David, his rise to power, and everything he loses and gains along the way.

Matteo Cerami (writer), Elisa Ripamonti (development assistant)
To save his son from hell’s flames, a punisher of the Inquisition strives to make him a saint, but ends up burning him at the stake.

Sofia Rimskaya (writer), Mia Nikoloska (co-writer)
Two young Eastern European women chase their Western European dream life in France, but nothing seems to be as they imagined. The hardships persist, but so do they.

Vicky Van Hemelrijck (writer)
MANU (23), a senior criminology student, is faced with her own violent past as she interns as a social worker for households with domestic violence.

Dóra Jóhannsdóttir (writer-director-producer), Elisabete Fortes (writer)
Eva, a black single mother of two, starts driving a taxi in Reykjavik, Iceland, while struggling to find her way, as the same traffic rules don’t apply to everyone.

Jessica Tuckwell (writer)
An enduring sibling bond, a fractured family, a zero-to-hero coming of age,and a complicated love affair, told within a spy mystery framework.

Noemi Nakai (writer)
The interlocked destinies of four people across six countries, each relentlessly chasing and being chased by the curse of the white gold: lithium.

Cordelia Alegre (writer), Claudia Aragón (co-writer)
Mr. Johnson is a TV series about Narci´s, a bored airport worker who accidentally steals a suitcase and becomes addicted to identity thef.

Laura Nasmyth (writer)
A group of libertarian tech moguls barricade themselves on a former prison island and start arming themselves to the teeth, afraid of governmental constraints and societal meltdown... all the while being served by a silent army of disillusioned staff.

Leon Barbero (writer), Natalia Sellani (co-writer)
A trance music festival and a forensic hospital are intertwined by an enigma that transcends the barriers of science and perception.

Katja Sallay (writer-creator), Michele Gentile (writer-creator)
In 1945 in bombed out Mannheim, Germany, Holocaust survivor Yossi Braumann founds the first post-war nightclub to share this heartbeat rhythm of the "new music" he originally picked up at the American GIs in town. Against all odds has to endure, he’ll come to terms with his own past and “Salie’s” becomes a symbol of hope and painful rebirth amidst the ruins of a new colorful generation.

Andrea Slavicek (writer), Ivor Martinic (co-writer)
While we observe Lu, a charismatic and undemanding individual striving to piece together his life, he is being followed by his incarnated fears. Despite Lu having his own plans, they diligently work in direct opposition, aiming to make the outcome the worst possible for him - and they do so in a very creative way.

Daniel van Hoogstraten (producer), Gabriela Capello (writer)
A city is taken over by a government that prohibits sadness in a dictatorship disguised as an utopia.

Oleskii Sobolev (writer-director), Olga Zhuzhenko (producer)
Six months before the war, a Kyiv student's near-death experience unveils his future. Now, he must save a woman des>ned to die at the onset of an invasion no one believes.

Abdulelah Aljawarneh (writer)
The Occidentalists follows two friends, Mohammed and Nawal, as they try to find their place in a world that views them with suspicion.

Ilaria Fravolini (writer)
Betina is a frustrated teenage girl forced into a life of marginalization and lies because she must hide her cannibal nature: she can only eat human flesh and blood. But when her harm-free food source gets interrupted and she discovers the other people like her do exist, things take a different turn in Betina’s life.

Yoo K. Lee (writer), Hugo Paradis (co-writer)
In the late 90s, a Korean family with two daughters relocates to France. However, turns out that the girls aren't the only ones uprooted from their familiar lives in Seoul. A Virgin Ghost who has been haunting the family for many years also awakens and finds herself a stranger in the City of Lights…

Steffen Gerdes (producer), Florens Huhn (writer)
To prove himself to his famous brothers, Ferdinand embarks on an adventure to hunt for untold fairy tales throughout Europe.


In partnership with
  • Vaf

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