OPEN CALLS: Green Film Lab - Budapest, TFL Co-Production Fund & TFL Next - Feature Film
Ester Martin Bergsmark is a filmmaker and PhD candidate in artistic research at Stockholm university of the arts. They work with different genres and formats(with a passion for seeing their interdependent relationships and manifestations) and in close collaboration with other artists. Some films include the feature film Something must break (2014), She male snails (2012) both in collaboration with Eli Leven. In 2010, Bergsmark made Fruitcake (with Sara Kaaman) as part of the experimental feminist porn suite Dirty Diaries. The short film Instinct (2019), directed with Mad Kate, Marit Östberg and Adrienne Teicher, premiered at the Berlin Porn Film Festival. The doctoral project Voice under explores through film , writing and somatic practices how desire, joy, liberation, movement are generating principles - in terms of inner, outer and collective change - as opposed to trauma, fear, frozenness, immobility.
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