
Jonas Dornbach



Jonas Dornbach grew up in Perugia, Italy. After graduating from high school, he worked on various film projects before getting a steady job in 2000 at kinoherz@lounge. From 2002 to 2009 he was the CEO of his own company Kinoherz in Berlin. In addition to his work at Kinoherz, he studied to production at the German Film and Television Academy in Berlin (dffb). He completed his studies in 2006 with the film “Auf Nummer sicher?” which was directed by David Dietl. The film received the Studio Hamburg Award in 2008 in the category Best Feature Film. In 2007 he completed EAVE training for European producers (Media Programme). In 2009 he produced Hans Weingartner’s film “HUT IN THE WOODS”. He works with directors such as Maren Ade, Benjamin Heisenberg, Sonja Heiss, Vanessa Jopp, Valeska Grisebach, Miguel Gomes, Barbara Albert, Jasmila Zbanic and Marc Rothemund. Jonas Dornbach has been an established member of Komplizen Film’s team of producers since September 2010 and a member of the International Producer Networks ACE (Ateliers du Cinéma Européen).

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