Michel Reilhac is an independent interactive story architect. He is also a thought-leader for hybrid forms of storytelling, and immersive, participatory, and interactive experiences. He is also Head of Studies for the Venice Biennale College, and Director of the Multi Platform Master Studies at Media Business School ( Ronda residency) in Spain, and is frequently invited to teach and speak at international events ( Cannes International Film Festival, Sunny Side of the Doc, The Pixel Lab, Dixit, FEMIS, CPH: DOX..). From 2002-2012 , Michel was Head of Film Acquisitions at Arte France and executive director of Arte France Cinema. In 2012, in recognition for his work at Arte, Michel was named Man of the Year in film by the French trade magazine « Le Film Français ». Michel’s past includes his work as a contemporary dancer and producer of international tours for major dance companies ; a stint as designer and director of the Forum des Images, Paris ; the design and production of innovative events and shows based on his original concepts ; and the direction of documentary and feature films (All alike, The Good Old Naughty days , …). He holds an MBA in International Marketing.

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