TFL Films & Series


During a performance of Orestes, a group of armed men and women enter the theater and begin to direct the show.

FeatureLab 2012
Main info

Title: Interruption
Year: 2015
Directed by: Yorgos Zois
Premiere & awards: Venice International Film Festival 2015, Orizzonti
Produced by: Pan Entertainment - Greece
In co-production with: EZ Films - France, JDP in association with Nukleus Film - Croatia
Countries: Greece, France, Croatia


A post-modern theater adaptation of a classic Greek tragedy takes place in a central theater of Athens. Like every night, the audience take their seats and the play begins. Suddenly, the lights on stage go out. A group of young people, dressed in black and carrying guns, come up on stage. They apologize for the interruption and invite people from the audience to participate on stage. The play resumes with a main difference; life imitates art and not the opposite.

TFL Project:

Title: Stage Fright

TFL Awards: TFL Production Award (€ 80,000)

Discover more details here:
TFL Catalogue 2012

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