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TFL Films & Series

The Polar Boy

A talented young man is forced to choose between his love and passion for a very complicated girl and the call of the art of photography.

ScriptLab 2008
Main info

Title: The Polar Boy
Year: 2016
Directed by: Anu Aun
Premiere & awards: Torino Film Festival 2016, TorinoFilmLab
Produced by: Luxfilm - Estonia
Country: Estonia


Mattias is a young talented photographer in his final year of secondary school, who has a dream to become a student of the Berlin Arts Academy. He unexpectedly falls in love with a wild red-haired beauty Hanna, who doesn't seem to take him seriously unless he proves to be just as adventurous and unpredictable as she is. Mattias risks his whole future by breaking the law together with Hanna, but ends up destroying the girl he loves. Hanna appears to suffer from bipolar disorder, the most dangerous effects of which are triggered by alcohol and drugs. Saving Hanna from herself, Mattias commits a crime that could end up putting him behind bars. His only solution for avoiding jail time is to get himself declared irresponsible. In order to achieve that, Mattias would have to start faking the illness his girlfriend already has - bipolarity.

TFL Project:

Title: The Polar Boy

Discover more details here:
TFL Catalogue 2008

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