Participants from all over Europe are guided through an integrated scriptwriting process.

Script&Pitch is an advanced scriptwriting and development programme for European writers and story editors.
The programme unfolds over the course of 10 months. We select participants from all over Europe - 16 scriptwriters and 4 story editors - who are guided through an integrated scriptwriting process, offering training through the development of projects.
From 2008, Script&Pitch has entered an exciting collaboration with TorinoFilmLab, offering projects with 1st or 2nd time directors – thus not being writer dependent - a chance to receive a Development Award and gain access to the possibility of winning a Production Award the year after. This added opportunity for our participants meets our wish to support projects further towards production; it deepens our ties to the film industry and is part of our aim to create a vibrant network.
We connect our workshops with festivals and industry-events, seeking producers and partners, who wish to invest their time in writers and in the development process. Our tutors are experienced and well connected professionals, whose passion and knowledge is an important energy for the workshop. By choosing the work format of groups and by using the pitch as a development tool from the beginning, we keep the process open and very intense at the same time.
Story editor trainees have their own supplemental group sessions and assignments, focusing on their role in the development. They work closely with their tutor and are given individual feedback, continually revising their work. Their process is rounded off with a written script analysis of one of the projects and a final session with all the tutors.
We combine these meetings with lectures on for example dramaturgy and script and film analysis. Master classes and one-on-one meetings with industry professionals are also an integral part of the course. Inspirational lessons are shared through a yearly publication, Script&Pitch Insights, supporting our passion and aim to shed light and dignity on the scriptwriting and story editing professions.

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