TFL Films & Series

Semina il Vento

Apulia, south of Italy. Set among olive trees and industrial wrecks, a story of rebellion and rebirth.

FeatureLab 2015
Main info

Title: Semina il Vento
Year: 2020
Directed by: Danilo Caputo
Premiere & awards: Berlinale 2020, Panorama
Produced by: Okta Film – Italy JBA Production – France
In co-production with: Rai Cinema – Italy, Graal Films – Greece
Countries: Italy, France, Greece


21-year-old Nica drops out of her university course in Agronomics and returns home to Apulia in southern Italy after three years away. She finds her father deep in debt, a polluted, devastated region, and olive trees destroyed by a parasite. Everyone seems to have given up in the face of the vast ecological disaster, while her father is obsessed with uprooting the olive grove to make money from the land. Nica fights with all her might to save the ancient trees. But pollution has also contaminated people's minds, and she will have to face unexpected obstacles...

TFL Project:

Title: Sow the Wind

Discover more details here:
TFL Catalogue 2015

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