OPEN CALLS: Green Film Lab - Budapest, TFL Co-Production Fund & TFL Next - Feature Film
TFL Audience Design Fund
TFL Audience Design Fund 2023
Call for applications closed!
3 distribution grants of € 45,000 each and tailored consultations to reach, build and engage audiences at the moment of distribution.
Applicant must be a European producer or sales agent of a company established in one of the countries participating in the MEDIA sub-programme (*) and owned by nationals from such countries.
Applicants must apply with a proposal of an “Audience Design Strategy” (a specific plan for international film promotion and distribution, including audience engagement ideas. All activities must be described and budgeted.)
Participation of the film team in all the audience design consultancy sessions is mandatory.
National distributors cannot apply.
Please check ANNEX for all details on the requirements.
Project must have the following characteristics:
- it must be a feature film (fiction, animation or creative documentary) of a minimum length of 60 minutes.
- it must be in post-production stage. Projects scheduled to premiere in one of the A-list film festivals of 2023 can exceptionally be presented.
- it must be scheduled to be distributed in at least two territories, one of which should be theatrical distribution.
- it must involve at least one producer established in one of the countries participating in the MEDIA strand (the co-producer(s) coming from countries participating in the MEDIA strand must have a share of minimum 20% and maximum 70% in the project) and at least a co-producer from a country that is not participating in the MEDIA strand. The co-production shall be attested by a signed co-production agreement (a deal memo may exceptionally be accepted).
Projects that already received DISTRIBUTION support from another programme supported by Creative Europe -MEDIA are NOT eligible.
Please check ANNEX for all details on the requirements.
The requested mandatory materials – to be submitted all together in one PDF of max 10MB, and all in English – are:
1) Detailed synopsis
2) Rough cut in English version or with English subtitles (link to an online streaming platform)
3) Director’s intention note (including thoughts on who the film speaks to and why)
4) Director’s bio and links to previous works
5) Production company profile and co-producer’s profile (max 2 pages for production)
6) Copy of co-production agreement or deal memo detailing the percentage of each co-producer, the revenue sharing between them, the joint ownership of the rights
7) Detailed production budget in Euros
8) Financing plan and recoupment schedule including the structure of co-production (names & countries of companies, and percentages of financing from each country) according to form A
9) Financial agreements and/or letters of intent from financing partners
10) World Sales profile (1page), if attached agreement with World Sales or deal memo or LOI, as well as a tentative plan for how to position the film internationally
11) Agreement of Distributors, if attached, or deal memo or LOI.
12) Draft of an “Audience Design Strategy”: plan for international promotion and distribution strategy for each territory/distributor involved (minimum 2). The drafted Audience Design Strategy must demonstrate innovative approaches and concrete ideas (see the list of eligible costs below and in form B)
13) Detailed budget for the Audience Design Strategy, plus financing plan (including the support from the TFL Audience Design Fund)
14) Timeline of promotion and release for each distribution plan
- Online consultancy session n°1: first half of April (2/3 days, dates TBC)
- Online consultancy session n°2: first half of May (2/3 days, dates TBC)
- Online consultancy follow-up June 2023 (1 day, date TBC)
- Online follow-up and reporting sessions: Autumn 2023 to Autumn 2024
- Deadline to deliver final report: December 2024
The funding payment will be transferred in three phases from the World premiere on and it does not need to be spent in Europe.
The AD Fund covers expenses connected to the international promotion and distribution of the film, to the theatrical and online distribution according to the Audience Design Strategy defined by the film team and the following approval of this of TFL. The eligible costs are listed in Form B.
The Company awarded must appoint a Strategy Coordinator who will act as a contact person for TorinoFilmLab and demonstrate that the Audience Design Strategy has been implemented by delivering relevant information, materials and report. The film must be distributed and reported to TFL by December 2024.
Please check the ANNEX for all details on eligible costs, contracts and payments procedures.
For Frequently Asked Questions, please check ANNEX.
* Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Serbia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
The ANNEX document contains all the requirements and necessary information to submit a correct application. Make sure to read it carefully and reach out to Greta Fornari and/or Greta Nordio for any specific inquiries.
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