For teams of producer + crew member (e.g. line producer, production coordinator...) applying WITH a project:
The requested materials – to be submitted all together in 1 single PDF (10 MB max.), 12 font, 1,5 line spacing and all in English – are:
1) Professional bio – 1 page max. for each of the 2 people submitting with the project
2) A joint letter from the producer and the crew member (e.g. line producer, production coordinator...) – 3 pages max about: what you are expecting from the programme, which kind of sustainable work you want to implement, how do you think your set could be more sustainable. Please specify any green actions you have already implemented in your previous projects.
3) Detailed budget (Euro)
4) Financial plan – intended for the selection process ONLY
5) Confirmed crew details
6) Locations list
7) Detailed development timetable
8) Shooting plan / Production Schedule
9) Synopsis – 1 page max.
If selected, a full script and script breakdown in English will be requested
For sustainability professionals:
The requested materials – to be submitted all together in 1 single PDF (10 MB max.), 12 font, 1,5 line spacing and all in English – are:
1) Professional bio – 1 page max: specify your academic and/or professional background.
2) Motivation letter – 1 page max: explain why you are interested in approaching the cinema industry and specify if you had previously any experience in cinema world.
For more information, contact
Click on "APPLY NOW" to access the application forms and submit your candidature (before starting the application process, you need to create an account on the TFL platform).
Specifically, the application form dedicated to sustainability professionals is available HERE, while the application form for teams of producer and crew member (e.g. line producer, production coordinator...) with a project is available HERE.