January 23, 2023

Approaching Berlinale 2023

The shorter month of the year has – as usual - a significant impact on film festival lovers. Berlinale is approaching its 73rd edition with a whole programme - lasting from 16th to 26th February - featuring quite a few stories that moved their first steps in Turin.

Approaching Berlinale 2023

One of the 18 films competing for the Golden Bear is MANODROME by the TFL alumnus John Trengove (a participant of FeatureLab in 2014 with its debut The Wound (2017) as well as the recipient of the TFL Audience Design Fund in 2016). 

The Encounters section – featuring independent and innovative filmmakers – comprehends the debut film of the Finnish director Tia KouvoFAMILY TIME. The film was developed very recently, in 2021, in the frame of FeatureLab, bringing home the TFL Production Award (€ 40,000) plus the Green Filming Award supporting sustainable production.

Based on Kouvo’s short film, the film is centred on various members of a working-class Finnish family seeking human connection in different ways.

Moreover, the Panorama section - looking for unconventionality and wildness in today’s cinema – will host the premiere of THE QUIET MIGRATION by the director Malene Choi, written within ScriptLab in 2019. The story focuses on Carl living with his adoptive family in Denmark and feeling attracted by South Korea, his native homeland.

Furthermore, MAMMALIA by Sebastian Mihailescu which took part in the TFL Extended workshop hosted in 2018 will be screened in the frame of the Berlinale Forum. And, within the Generation Kplus section, we were happy to spot LE PROPRIETÀ DEI METALLI by Antonio Bigini, coming straight from the first edition of Up & Coming Italia (2020) but also the films of our alumni/ae: SHE-HERO by Mira Fornay, SEA SPARKLE by Domien Huyghe and DELEGATION by Asaf Saban (part of Generation 14Plus).

Will you join us in Berlin?

In the picture: a still from FAMILY TIME. 

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