May 19, 2022

GREEN FILM LAB: getting ready for Palma de Mallorca

Next week TorinoFilmLab will move to Spain, more specifically to Palma de Mallorca, for the kickoff of the second Green Film Lab workshop of 2022.

GREEN FILM LAB: getting ready for Palma de Mallorca

Green Film Lab is powered by TorinoFilmLab and Green Film, organised by the National Museum of Cinema in Turin and Trentino Film Commission, in collaboration with EAVE. And it is realised thanks to the support of Creative Europe - MEDIA Sub-programme of the European Union.

This workshop is explicitly organised thanks to the collaboration with Mallorca Film CommissionFundació Mallorca Turisme and Consell Insular de Mallorca.

If you’d like to take part in the next Green Film Lab venture, make sure to apply to the current call for applications available and join us in Sitges (Barcelona-Spain) between 14th and 16th October. Apply by 1st September and reach out to Severine for any doubts.

Let’s meet now the participants heading to Palma!

Aurora Alma Bartiromo (Italy)

Lara Costa-Calzado (Italy)

Ariadna Dot (Spain)

Natàlia Ejarque Caldés (Spain)

Sonia González (Spain)

Sara Horta (Spain)

Nick Igea (Spain)

Marty Keizer (The Netherlands)

Iina Keskinen (Finland)

Edyta Kwiatek (Poland)

Andrés Mellinas (Spain)

Branka Miloshevska (North Macedonia)

Luis Ortas (Spain)

Alessandro Papa (Italy)

Laetitia Ricklin (Belgium)

Elisa Saldaña (Spain)

Alisa Selishchava (Belarus/Spain)

Carla Sospedra (Spain)

Johanna Spinosi (Belgium)

Elena Stanisheva (North Macedonia)

Rikke Tambo Andersen (Denmark)

Iokasti Tarnanidi (Greece)

Fink Urte (Germany)

Davide Gianluca Vaccaro (Italy)

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