January 17, 2023

SeriesLab & SeriesLab Talents 2023: what’s new?

TorinoFilmLab’s enthusiasm for the audiovisual industry is more expansive than ever as we just launched the 2023 calls for applications of SeriesLab & SeriesLab Talents, our programmes dedicated to the universe of seriality. But what’s different from before?

SeriesLab & SeriesLab Talents 2023: what’s new?

1) For the first time – in 7 years – SeriesLab will accept applications from screenwriters, directors and producers coming from all over the world (not just Europe). An international class of up to 9 teams (and 9 projects) will start working together for 5 months from September, ending with a final presentation in front of selected professionals of the international television industry.

2) One of the 9 projects will also get a development grant of €10,000 (!) to support the growth of the story.

3) This year SeriesLab Talents - which is a writers' room including 5 international professional screenwriters working on the development of a TV series project – and SeriesLab will be quite intertwined, giving a chance to the participants to network and exchange ideas, also because…

4) …they’ll share the same Head of Studies, guiding both programmes: Eszter Angyalosy, a Hungarian screenwriter who, also thanks to her experience with HBO Hungary, worked on the development of a dozen original series of various genres and much more.

These are just some bites of information about these two great programmes, you can have a whole overview here for SeriesLab and here for SeriesLab Talents, but in case of any doubts drop a message to

Keep in mind, both calls for applications expire on 31st March!

> SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Join the Q&A Zoom presentation with the Head of Studies Eszter Angyalosy on 1st March at 14.30 CET. Click here to participate!

SeriesLab is organised with the support of Creative Europe - MEDIA Sub-programme of the European Union, MiC - Ministero della Cultura, Regione Piemonte and Città di Torino; in collaboration with Millimeter Film and VAF - Flanders Audiovisual Fund, also partners of SeriesLab Talents together with Focal.

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