
Alemberg Ang



After being a high school literature teacher for ten years, Alemberg ANG shifted into a career of film producing. His filmmaking is shaped by his passion for socio-civic issues, and Philippine arts and literature. His films have traveled extensively to festivals in Busan, Cairo, Warsaw, Taipei, Tokyo, Shanghai, Torino and others, working with filmmakers like Loy Arcenas, Antoinette Jadaone, and Petersen Vargas. He was invited to the UNESCO International Meeting of Independent Producers, Rotterdam Lab, Berlinale Talents, Talents Tokyo, and SEAFIC. His projects have participated at Cinemart, Locarno Open Doors, Tribeca Film Institute Network Hong Kong-Asia Film Financing Forum, and Busan’s Asian Project Market. His most recent projects are Holy Craft, awarded Docs-in-Progress award at Cannes Docs and Some Nights I Feel Like Walking, won the SEAFIC Prize and selected for Cannes Cinéfondation's Atelier. He is currently a lecture at the Ateneo de Manila University.

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