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Giulio Fabroni



Giulio Fabroni, born in 1998, writes and sometimes FAVOURITE WRITING PLACE directs stories for screens of all sizes. After graduating in Film at Scuola Holden in 2019, he attended the preparatory course for Screenwriting at Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome and was granted a scholarship for the Master in Serial Screenwriting held by Rai Fiction. In 2019, Giulio’s feature film project Hominarius was a finalist at Venice’s Biennale College Cinema. 2021 marked the release of the RaiPlay series Nudes: Giulio penned the final three episodes and returned to the writers’ room for a second season in 2023. In 2022 and 2023 Giulio was in the WR for three international animated shows, joined the permanent WR at Marco Belardi’s company Bamboo, and debuted as a scriptwriter on Un posto al sole, one of Europe’s longestrunning soap operas. Giulio lives, works and thrives in Rome with Francesca Tozzi and Veronica Penserini. Together they have been developing original projects for producers such as Fabula, Casanova, Lucky Red, The Apartment.

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