Alessandro Avataneo is an Italian author and filmmaker. Working in many countries between Europe, North America and Japan, he holds a degree in International Relations and Diplomacy and master degrees in Storytelling, Performing Arts, Digital Entertainment and CGI. He directed two feature documentaries: "House of Oz" and "A Tale of the Hills", the surrealist film "Poema Ciruclar" and several short movies, animated shorts, theatre, TV and musical shows. He curated all the audiovisual installments at 2011 Biennale of architecture in the Netherlands and for the government of Limburg he designed a long-term strategy for Maastricht European Capital of Culture. He has been lecturer at Maastricht University and Slow Food University of Gastronomic Sciences and teaches film and storytelling at Scuola Holden in Turin. In 2009 he published the novel “A Tale of the Hills” and in 2015 the “Atlas of Italian Wine”, while producing films and curating projects on human rights, food culture and intangible heritage around the world. His 2004 research thesis on Art and International Relations is a pioneering work on how art and culture can be used as practical tools of democracy, integration and peace building on a global level.
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