
Marja Mikkonen



Marja Mikkonen graduated as a performance artist from the Turku Arts Academy in 2003 and as Master of Fine Arts from the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts in 2007. Her short films 99 Years of My Life and Rondo have screened at film festivals worldwide, including Festival de Cannes in 2004 and 2007, and 99… was also purchased by MoMA New York and Kiasma Contemporary Art Museum in Helsinki for their collections.  Mikkonen works within three fields of art: performance, film and fine art. Her works have been live performances, photographs, video installations, short films, sound performances, audio installations and site specific works. Many of her works are based on portraiture of identity, memory, personal perceptions and thoughts about change. She often uses her own body and experiences as tools and material, creating self-description that reach beyond self-description and autobiographies that are half fiction half fact.  Currently she works as an art teacher, writer/director and a performer within a performance group entitled “Other Spaces”. She lives and works in Helsinki.

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