Piso 14 is the trendiest club in Mexico City reserved for upper class teenagers like Lena (18), who goes there to party with her friends like there is no tomorrow. Inside the women's bathroom Lena’s path will cross with Estela’s (19), who sneaks out of her home to work there as a cleaning lady, trying to earn enough tips to emancipate from the Jehovah's Witness organization that her father belongs to. She risks getting caught, being expelled from the congregation and alienated by her family. Leading a double life isn’t easy, fitting in isn’t either, so she will need to learn the codes of this new universe that fascinates her. As Estela begins to take more risks, one night she secretly transforms, imitating the girls she attends in an urge to belong somewhere, as Lena loses herself in an attempt to rebel from the status quo of her society. Sparks of light in the dark, popular songs booming, tequila shots, gossip and the constant toilet flush as an announcement of the end of a world.