The title reveals it, we got inspired by Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Or maybe inspired is the wrong word. The stories are good, what happens in them: horrible. The Gods were often evil. And they were immortal, so they had infinite time to be so. Maybe it’s inherent to the Gods, having a main character syndrome. Taking bodies, minds, and voices – and getting away with it. We got intrigued to tell the stories from the other perspectives. The idea of giving a voice to those who had it taken away. So. A girl finds a severed tongue that asks her to listen, and by doing so the girl can give the victim her voice back and get the truth out in the open. But not without bringing herself and a police officer in danger. Our series is a mysterious fairytale meets thrilling investigation. It’s about listening and being heard. About grief, how to be empathetic but also about the danger of making the trauma of others your own.