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TFL Films & Series

A Piece of Sky

In a remote mountain village, Anna tries to preserve her young love for Marco, against all odds.

ScriptLab 2018
Main info

Title: A Piece of Sky
Year: 2022
Directed by: Michael Koch
Premiere & awards: Berlinale 2022, Competition, Special Mention
Produced by: Hugofilm features GmbH, Switzerland
In co-production with: Pandora Film Produktion, Germany
Countries: Switzerland, Germany


In a remote mountain village, the still young love of Anna and Marco is put to serve a test. As a result of the brain tumor, Marco increasingly loses his impulse control. In the tense relationship between the village community and the effects of Marco’s illness, Anne tries to preserve a love that in the end outshines even death.

TFL Project:

Title: A Piece of Sky

Discover more details here:
TFL Catalogue 2018

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