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SeriesLab Talents

SeriesLab Talents 2023

Call for applications closed!

An annual programme for scriptwriters coming from all over the world.

SeriesLab & SeriesLab Talents 2023 | the catalogue

TARGET PARTICIPANTS: professional scriptwriters coming from all over the world planning a career in or a co-production with Europe, who want to boost their experience on drama series writing and train the skills required in a writers’ room.
DURATION:  the programme consists of three 5-day long residential workshops in September 2023, November 2023 and early 2024, ending up with a final networking industry event, during the last workshop.
FEE: 1,500 Euro (+ VAT, if due) per participant
DEADLINE: Friday, 31st March 2023, 12:00 p.m. CET (noon).

For more information please contact:


As we aim to scout new voices, applicants must have a strong background in scriptwriting, but not especially in writing for Television. The application is open for international writers, with proven credit on at least one feature film (produced or in production).

The programme is also addressed to writers with credit on series projects, who want to strengthen their skills in development strategies, collaboration, roles and responsibilities in a writers’ room, or to writers who wish to gain more experience working as assigned writers.

With this programme, we would like to offer a training experience for writers with different backgrounds and nationalities, by a collective and collaborative process of sharing, exchanging, and getting inspired by each other personal and professional stories.


The requested materials – to be submitted all together in one PDF in English – are:
- an updated CV
- a motivation letter
- the first 5 pages of a selected script
- a 1-minute video presentation (the link should be included in the application form)
- short presentation of the applicant for communication purposes (including the information listed HERE)
- a high-resolution photograph (1 MB approx) to be attached separately to the dossier

Don’t forget that this material will be your gateway to the programme, be as creative as possible!

Applicants must confirm their availability for the workshops and the final presentation.

The working language of all SeriesLab-Talents workshops, meetings and events is English; thus, a good knowledge of English is essential in order to participate.



Course participation fee: 1,500 Euro (+ VAT, if due)*

*The fees include also accommodation and meals during the residential workshops. Travel costs are excluded and must be covered directly by the participants.In many countries, scholarships are available for this training.


1st residential workshop: 13th - 18th September 2023 (Batumi, Georgia)
2nd residential workshop: 9th - 14th November 2023 (Leuven, Belgium)
3rd residential workshop, final presentation and meetings: 15th - 20th January 2024 (Berlin, Germany)

Co-funded by
  • Eu Creative Europe Media
With the support of
  • Millimiter
  • Vaf
In partnership with
  • Focal

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