The new section Perspectives - offering a visible platform for exceptional international emerging filmmakers - will host the screening of LITTLE TROUBLE GIRLS by Urška Đjukić (Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Serbia - premiere on 14th February at 18:30 - Stage Bluemax Theater), developed within FeatureLab 2021, and of THE SETTLEMENT by Mohamed Rashad (Egypt, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Qatar - premiere on 18th February at 18:30 - Stage Bluemax Theater), who participated in the TFL programme organised in partnership with the Red Sea International Film Festival in 2022, The Lodge.
The Forum, featuring 30 titles from all over the planet, includes the TFLfilm HOUSES, directed by Veronica Nicole Tetelbaum (Israel, Germany - premiere on 16th February at 17:30 - Delphi Filmpalast), who joined the lab in 2019 to further work on her story with the FeatureLab class.
There’s more: the Ukranian director Kateryna Gornostai, who became a TFL alumna very very recently after joining FeatureLab last year, will have her feature film TIMESTAMP presented in the frame of the Official Competition of the Berlinale.
Speaking of the alumni/ae community, the Forum section features three titles: Canone Effimero by Gianluca e Massimiliano De Serio, Minimals in a Titanic World by Philbert Aimé Mbabazi Sharangabo and The Kiss of the Grasshopper by Elmar Imanov; the Panorama section includes Beginnings by Jeanette Nordahl and Confidante by Çağla Zencirci and Guillaume Giovanetti; within Berlinale Special we have No Beast. So Fierce by Burhan Qurbani and A Letter to David by Tom Shoval, while in Berlinale Special Gala, Islands by Jan-Ole Gerster. Lastly, our former story editor trainee Arne Kohlweyer co-wrote the screenplay of MOTHER’S BABY by Johanna Moder, included in the Official Competition.
See you in Berlin! We will be there also to host the TFL Extended - Audience Design Lab, taking place between 12th and 14th February (read more about the programme and the selection here).
Picture: a still from LITTLE TROUBLE GIRLS.