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What happens when innocence needs to be sacrificed and love turns into betrayal?


Ileana is still an innocent 20 year-old girl, living in a dream world. When her boyfriend, Radu, a small-time weed dealer, is caught by the police, Ileana would do anything to save him. In Romania, the article 16 of the Penal Code allows a drug dealer to have his sentence reduced if another dealer goes down instead of him. This is how Ileana plans to set Radu free. Because she is an outsider to the drug world, Radu sends her to Rama, an old acquaintance of his, who is a heroin addict and Ileana’s guide in the ghetto. On their search for a drug dealer, Ileana and Rama go through experiences that make her see beyond Rama’s cold image, as she gets to know his past and his own wounds. As they get closer, Ileana experiences both Rama’s toughness and tenderness, the danger and his protection. Her initial purpose becomes ambiguous and they end up falling in love with each other. In the end, the innocent and dreamy child is the one who decides not only between the loves of two men, but also between their destinies: who will go to prison and who will be saved.


Ileana is the bittersweet story of growing up and losing your innocence through love. It is based on real facts, and telling the story became a necessity for us, not only for depicting a cruel reality of Romanian laws and procedures, but mostly for portraying a strong inspiring female character, frail and innocent on one hand, but capable of unimaginable things on another. Caught between two men, Radu and Rama, Ileana’s choice is beyond deciding her own happiness, as her choice means freedom for the chosen one and betrayal of the other. The story is told from Ileana’s perspective; the camera follows her continuously, and observes her reactions to what she extracts from reality. Not so much hand-held shooting but slow steady-cam movements, so that her journey is always at the edge between reality and dream, in continuous motion. It can be said that realism mixes with surrealism where surrealism is actually just a matter of perception. There will be both professional and non-professional actors, and real locations at the outskirts of Bucharest. At the end of the film, the public should feel as having an intimate insight into Ileana’s dreams and perception, seeing a piece of reality through her eyes and asking themselves: “How far would I go for the one I love?”

ScriptLab 2011
Discover more details here:
TFL Catalogue 2011

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