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The troubled teen Samboy recruits his best friend to be part of a militia that will massacre 58 people.


November 2009, in the suburbs of Maguindanao, Philippines. Samboy, a 15-year-old from a troubled background befriends a lonely newcomer, Ramon. Samboy swiftly includes the new boy in his life and takes him under his wing. Intrigued to learn that Samboy is a member of a famous local militia group, Ramon begs to join in, as he finally sees an opportunity to have a family. Though reluctant at first, Samboy introduces and inducts Ramon into the militia. At a rural checkpoint, a hundred men stand guard: Ramon is now one of them. They have been ordered to capture insurgents, and they wait until a convoy of eight vehicles arrives. Samboy sees that those inside are civilians. He is faced with the horrifying truth of their mission and decides to run away, imploring Ramon to go with him. But his pleas fall on deaf ears: Ramon is committed to stay. Samboy runs off but he discerns he must go back for his friend. Upon his return, Ramon has done the unthinkable and joined in the killing.


I am a person who cannot fathom the cruelty of man. So this film, inspired by the November 23, 2009 massacre is my ode to violence, to my constant search of the reason of its perpetuity. I want to make a film that is pure history of a person’s violence. This film is an exploration of the human psyche: how violence is introduced to an individual, how one reacts to it and why he makes the decision that he does towards it. Therefore, exploring what it takes for someone seemingly innocent to suddenly erupt in viciousness. Is it malice? Is it the person’s upbringing? Is it peer pressure? Or is it simply fate? The character will be hammered with one question in the end: how do I live with what I did? And that is when we leave the story. Everything that will unfold is through the eyes of Samboy, our 15-year-old protagonist. The title is a Greek mythological character associated with Death, the gentle death. Sigmund Freud calls human life instinct as Eros and the death drive as Thanatos.

ScriptLab 2018
Discover more details here:
TFL Catalogue 2018

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