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She Wolf

When Marie begins to receive disturbing photos of herself, it sends her hurtling into the dark vortex of her origins.


Marie works during the night as a security guard of a decaying tow truck lot. Patrolling row after row of rusted metal serves as a constant reminder that things that are not cared for, will fall apart. Working the graveyard shift with her trusted German shepherd is also a way to fend off the night terrors Marie has suffered since childhood, giving her some small measure of peace. When she begins to receive disturbing photographs of herself asleep, her fragile firewall begins to disintegrate. As the photos become more provocative, it is clear there are no innocent explanations, and to regain control of her life, Marie begins a harrowing journey to confront the darkness at the source of her own inception. It appears Marie’s night terrors are justified – her paranoid self-doubt rooted in reality – as she discovers her body is a mere vessel for someone else’s needs...


What is technological and medical innovation doing to our humanity? I think we are all struggling to define ourselves and the boundaries of individual existence in an age of hyper-connectivity, where we are constantly under surveillance, with our private data shared liberally and the inevitable creep of Transhumanism accelerating. Are we in control of our own lives, or is that just a lie we tell ourselves? I am consumed with these questions, and I found many of my own obsessions through the pages of Marie Darrieussecq’s novel Our Life in The Forest. While her novel grapples with these contemporary issues within a haunting dystopian context, our adaptation attempts to bring that nightmarish dystopia into the present. Even as Marie’s journey deals with the rise of bio-technology, I intend for the filmmaking to be organic and sensual, far from the cold formalism frequently deployed in science fiction. Nocturnal, tactile; a film of rusting metal and scar tissue, rejecting sterility and embracing the struggle of its resilient female protagonist.

ScriptLab 2018
Discover more details here:
TFL Catalogue 2018

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