TFL Italia

Alpi Film Lab 2022

Call for applications closed!

An advanced initiative for emerging producers and directors based in France and Italy.

About Alpi Film Lab

Alpi Film Lab is an advanced initiative for emerging producers and directors based in France and Italy. The programme focuses on the development of feature film projects (fiction, creative documentaries and animation) with a cross-border co-production potential.

The workshop will be held in English.

Alpi Film Lab is a project by TorinoFilmLab and Annecy Cinéma Italien, promoted by Museo Nazionale del Cinema and Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy and financed by Interreg Italia-Francia ALCOTRA 2014-2020 – European Regional Development Fund.

Quick facts


The call is open to emergent French and Italian producers (producers who have already received a national and/or international award/acknowledgement – for a short or a feature film – and are taking their first steps in international co-production). Two profiles can apply:

- Producers with a project of a feature film (fiction, creative documentary, animation) with a strong cross-border co-production potential. During the whole lab, every producer will be accompanied by the director of the project.

- Producers without a project willing to develop their skills in cross-border co-production.

DURATION: The training will be held from the beginning of April to the end of November 2022. 

NEW DEADLINE TO APPLY: Friday, 25th February 2022, 2.00 p.m. CET

FEE: The Alpi Film Lab programme has no fee as it is financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the Programme Interreg V A - Italy-France (ALCOTRA). The economic value of the training course is € 8,393 and this amount will constitute State aid under the European Regulation n.1407/2013 "de minimis”.
All costs of room and board during the workshops will be borne by Alpi Film Lab, while the travel costs are borne by the participants.

For more information please contact:


Alpi Film Lab is an advanced initiative for emerging producers and directors based in France and Italy. The programme focuses on the development of feature film projects (fiction, creative documentaries and animation) with a cross-border co-production potential.

During 4 residential workshops, Italian and French professionals will have the chance to work in groups, with tutors and international experts who will follow the participants in the development of their own projects in both artistic and creative aspects as well as on production. A special focus will be made on the strategies and dynamics of co-production between France and Italy, thanks to the creation of 8 teams (producer & director with a project plus a development cross-border partner without project) who will simulate a French-Italian co-production.

Among the topics treated during the training: development of the treatment; training on creative production; encounters with national and international institutions and with legal experts, distributors, marketing and audience design experts; training on inclusion policies and company social responsibility; simulation of an application to regional, national and bilateral development funds; development of the project presentation; pitching training; encounters with selected directors and film professionals.

The training comprises 4 residential workshops with a final presentation during the Torino Film Industry and 2 intermediate online sessions (end of July and end of October 2022).

Applicants must confirm their full availability for all the residential and online workshops, as well as for the final session in Turin.


For each nationality (Italian and French) will be selected:

- 4 producers with a feature film project (fiction, creative documentary, animation) with a strong cross-border co-production potential. During the training, every producer will be accompanied by the project's director.

4 producers without projects willing to develop their skills in international cross-border co-production.

During the selection phase priority will be given to professionals from the eligible ALCOTRA territory:

For Italy - Regione Autonoma della Valle d'Aosta, Province di Torino e Cuneo (Regione Piemonte), Provincia di Imperia (Regione Liguria).
For France - Départements de Savoie et Haute-Savoie (Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes), Départements des Hautes-Alpes, Alpes de Hautes-Provence et Alpes Maritimes (Région Sud).

Applications from all over France and Italy will also be considered.

The working language of all workshops, meetings and events is English; thus, a good knowledge of English (minimum level: B1) is essential in order to participate. All written material, all versions and drafts of the project, must be available in English. Applications from candidates with lower language levels will also be considered.


To apply as a producer with a project, the requested materials – to be submitted all together in 1 single PDF (10 MB max.) and all in English – are:

1) A short presentation for communication purposes (2 pages maximum);
2) A motivation letter (1 page maximum);
3) A producer's intention note (1 page maximum);
4) A project short synopsis (300 characters including spaces maximum);
5) A project long synopsis (1 page maximum);
6) A treatment (10 pages maximum);
7) A director's intention note (2 pages maximum);
8) Materials informing about the audio-visual approach: still pictures, video mood board, etc;
9) Biographies of the producer and the director (1 page maximum);
10) Production Company's profile (1 page maximum);
11) Links (with a valid password until 11th April, 2022) to the producer's and the director's previous audio-visual works (3 links maximum for each of them);
12) Detailed development and/or production budget (Euro), if existing;
13) Financing plan (Euro)  -  including the structure of co-production (names & countries of companies, and percentages of financing from each country), according to the form model
14) Development and production timetable;
15) Producer-director agreement;
16) A high-resolution photograph (1 MB approx) of the producer and one of the director to be attached separately to the dossier.

To apply as a producer without project the requested materials – to be submitted all together in 1 single PDF and all in English – are:

1) A short presentation for communication purposes (1 page maximum);
2) A motivation letter (1 page maximum);
3) Producer's bio (1 page maximum);
4) Production company's profile  (1 page maximum);
5) Links (with a valid password until 11th April 2022) to the producer's previous audio-visual works (3 links maximum).
6) A high-resolution photograph (1 MB at least) to be attached separately to the dossier.

APPLY NOW: click on the “APPLY NOW!” button on the right-side column of the page to access the online Alpi Film Lab 2022 application forms.

Please note that there are two different application forms:
- one for producers with a project (available here)
-  one for producers without a project (available here).

Before starting the application process, you will need to create an account on the TFL platform.


You hereby declare to have read and understood the Privacy Statement and allow the treatment of your personal data in compliance with the Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003.


By applying to the programme, please understand that you agree to any photographs or recorded footage of your person being released and/or broadcast, should your application be successfully selected. You also authorize TorinoFilmLab / Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy to publish any material collected for the Alpi Film Lab Catalogue (personal & project photo, contact, project information), and to use such documents for public communication.
More information and full release form here.

The selected projects must indicate Alpi Film Lab support both in the opening and closing credits, by displaying the programme Logo and the caption "Developed at".

Workshop dates


1st workshop: 8th - 11th April 2022, Annecy

2nd workshop: 25th - 28th April 2022, Turin

3rd workshop: 28th September - 2nd October 2022, Annecy 

Final session: End of November 2022 in the frame of Torino Film Industry, Turin

*Due to the epidemic of Covid-19 and any possible mutation of it, we draw your attention to the fact that we may have to cancel the residential workshop(s) or to postpone it to another date for responding to the recommendations of health and government organizations. In such a case, we will notify the participants of its decision without delay.

In case of cancellation, the sessions will be held online.

supported by
  • Alcotra
promoted by
  • Associazione Museo Cinema
  • Bonlieu Annecy
a programme by
  • Annecy

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