SeriesLab Talents

SeriesLab Talents 2022

Call for applications closed!

An annual programme for scriptwriters coming from all over the world.

SeriesLab Talents 2022

TARGET PARTICIPANTS: professional European scriptwriters that want to boost their experience in drama series writing and train the skills required in a writers’ room.

DURATION: one 2-day long residential preparatory workshop in March, two 4-day long residential workshops in May and October and an online workshop in August. Plus, a final industry presentation in 2023.

FEE: 500 Euro (+ VAT, if due) for the preparatory workshop. 1,000 Euro (+ VAT, if due) for the following full 5-month training programme.

SeriesLab - Talents is realised thanks to the support of the Creative Europe - MEDIA Sub-programme of the European Union; in partnership with MDM - Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, hosting the preparatory workshop in March.


Up to 10 writers will be selected to join the preparatory workshop in March 2022: a 2-day long intensive session aimed at training and inspiring the participants with lectures from experts coming from different fields.

This preparatory workshop aims at boosting creative minds with inputs coming from dramaturgy, but also from different cultural and business fields. After this first session, TFL will select up to 5 writers that will join the full training programme.

As we want to scout new voices, applicants need to have some experience in writing, but not especially in writing for drama series. They can have experience in writing feature films, documentaries, or short movies as well. The program aims at empowering their skills in writing drama series in an international environment and to connect with other writers.

Applicants are encouraged to keep in mind that the writers' room is about learning and testing development strategies and immersing themselves in a collaborative exploration of the challenges of drama series project development.


The programme consists of a 5-month long training, organised in one residential preparatory workshop in March, two residential workshops of 4 days each and at least three sessions online in between. Plus, a final presentation in one European market in 2023.

During the training, the participants will work to enhance their writing skills and to experience the work done in a real writers’ room. TFL Series – Talents has an unrivalled approach to hands-on, in a real-world environment. Writers will receive the screenwriting tools and creative confidence necessary to create and write dram series of their own.

The participants will work on a project selected by TorinoFilmLab, and they will follow the entire process of development from the concept to the full scripts of all episodes, under the guidance of their tutor and additional trainers.

After being connected in their group of work, TorinoFilmLab will also create networking moments with participants from the SeriesLab programme and other international programs.

This hands-on experience will allow participants to hone their skills while being part of a team, learning how to work with other professionals on creating a drama series project.

Focus areas will be decided depending on the needs of the project and the combined sets of experiences in the group. We strive to bring together team members from different fields of storytelling and with diverse backgrounds as it supports the collaborative process.

The aim of the workshop is to write the full scripts of all episodes and to enrich the project, looking at how to best develop, write, envision, and plan the connected narratives, while supporting and honing the individual skills of each team member.

The group will present the results of their work in a live event at one of the main European TV markets in 2023.


Preparatory workshop: 500 Euro (+ VAT, if due). For this step, we will select up to 10 participants. This session is propaedeutic to the full programme.

Full 5-month training programme: 1,000 Euro (+ VAT, if due). For this step, we will select up to 5 participants, from the preparatory workshop.

The fees include also accommodation and meals during the residential workshops. Travel costs are excluded and must be covered directly by the participants.


The working language of all SeriesLab workshops, meetings and events is English; thus, a good knowledge of English is essential in order to participate.

The requested materials – to be submitted all together in one PDF in English – are:
- an updated CV
- a motivation letter
- the first 5 pages of your best script
- a 1-minute video presentation (the link should be included in the application form)
- a short presentation of the applicant for communication purposes
- a high-resolution photograph (1 MB approx) to be attached separately

Don’t forget that this material will be your gateway to the programme, be as creative as possible!

Applicants must confirm their availability for the workshops and the final presentation.


Preparatory Workshop: 18th - 21st March (residential, Erfurt - Germany)
1st workshop: 20th - 25th June 2022 (residential, Turin - Italy)
2nd workshop: August 2022 (online)
3rd workshop: mid-October 2022 (residential, Rome - Italy)

Supported by
  • Eu Creative Europe Media
In partnership with
  • Mdm

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